Hafan > Digwyddiadau > Miss Alice 2022 - 2023

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Miss Alice 2022-23 Thea Thomas-Graham

On Saturday 11th June 2022, Llandudno held its annual Miss Alice competition and Thea Thomas-Graham was chosen as the new Miss Alice.  All girls aged between 8 and 10 years old and living in the 5 wards of Llandudno were eligible to enter.  The outgoing Miss Alice, Miss Emmie Holmes congratulated Thea on her appointment and she was presented with a sash showing her title and a “Miss Alice” outfit.  Thanks, were also expressed to Emmie on an excellent year as Miss Alice.

Thea is 9 years old.  She enjoys drama classes, reading, drawing and making videos.   

The role includes accompanying the Mayor to Civic engagements and on occasion undertaking visits out of the area to promote Llandudno and the “Miss Alice” connection.

If you would like to book Miss Alice to attend an event, please contact the Deputy Town Clerk on 01492 879130 or email:  deputyclerk@llandudno.gov.uk


Miss Alice 2023 – Miss Thea Thomas-Graham

Miss Alice 2023 – Miss Thea Thomas-Graham
