Hafan > Digwyddiadau > Diolch i bawb - Gorymdaith Nadolig 2021
saesneg yn unig....
Christmas Parade
The Town Council was delighted to be able to hold its spectacular Christmas Parade once again on Saturday 4th December 2021, following its cancellation in 2020 due to Covid-19. The Parade, through the streets of Llandudno led by the Llandudno Town Crier, included Father Christmas on his sleigh, the Liverpool Pipes and Drums band, the Theatr Colwyn Goldilocks and the Three Bears themed pantomime float, Marvel Super Hero Characters, Cindy Lou and the Grinch and Disney princesses amongst the attractions.
In spite of the wet and windy weather, Crowds lined Mostyn Street and Lloyd Street to watch the Parade and enjoy the entertainment outside the Town Hall, featuring Llandudno Town Band, Llandudno Youth Music Theatre and the Ysgol Ffordd Dyffryn School Choir.
Following the Parade the Batala Samba Band performed outside the Town Hall followed by a show featuring a circus juggler, the Marvel Characters and Cindy Lou and the Grinch
The Mayor and members of the Christmas Parade Sub-Committee would like to express their thanks to all those who participated in or were involved in organising the event.
The 2022 Christmas Parade will be held on Saturday 3rd December 2021
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